Non-Formal Education
One hallmark of the NFE program is the unique recognition by MoED that completion of 10th grade by
NFE graduates qualifies them for enrollment in vocational/technical diploma programs – restoring youth
to the same opportunities that their peers achieved through the formal system.
In addition, NFE graduates are also eligible for consideration to continue in secondary education in the
formal system – for eventual completion of the 12th grade and competition for the tawjihi certificate for
entrance into tertiary (university-level) education.
NFE is a unique cooperative endeavor between a governmental agency (MoED) and an international
nongovernmental organization (Questscope) that has resulted in creative approaches to engagement with youth needing a second chance at education, including a pathway to educational credentials – an outcome critical to reintegration of young people into economic and social opportunities.
NFE is the first and only General Education Equivalence Degree Program (GED) in the Arab world and has
enrolled more than 25,000 youth since 2005.