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I’ve been working at Questscope for almost two years, and during that time I have been...
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Navigating the road in Zaatari refugee camp is not easy. Traveling on foot through the vast...
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For the last four months, 61 mentors and students have been busy building trust with each other...
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Tucked away in a city of tents and caravans near Jordan's northern border, a group of Syrian...
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Sometimes you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Never would I have imagined...
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As the temperature climbed near 90°F inside the training tent, new mentors tentatively...
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By Jamie Resler Approaching Zaatari camp in Jordan for the first time, I looked ahead to a sea...
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“We have the key,” Rabia said, “And no other organization here would do that.” Trust is a...
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What do you get when you combine 60 junior high students, 60 community college students, a few...

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