Questscope developed one of the largest civic engagement programs in Jordan, training thousands of student volunteers from Jordanian universities to mentor other thousands of young people at risk of juvenile delinquency.

Through these community-supported and transformational relationships, both youth and mentors are changed. Recruiting mentors from universities creates space for university students to become aware of marginalized people, serve their communities, and encourage volunteerism to become part of their culture. Community-based organizations play a vital role in creating open, welcoming environments for these youth.

They help facilitate guided mentoring relationships, family counseling programs, and educational rehabilitation that restores youth to a love of learning. Collaborative engagement means policies also improve – resulting in changes to judicial procedures, juvenile detention policies, health care access, and public perception of at-risk youth.

Questscope’s success in this area led to a joint initiative with the Jordanian Ministry of Social Development and the World Bank, expanding the Questscope mentoring model to every juvenile center in the country.