We have 400 reasons to celebrate this month...

...because 400 wonderful young men and women just graduated from our Non-Formal Education (NFE) program in Jordan!

This alternative learning program enables out-of-school youth to continue their education to the compulsory 10th grade level and continue on to vocational training or re-enroll in the formal education system.

These young men and women are in search of a significant life and a circle of people who believe in them. They have dreams, but without an education it is almost impossible to move from ideas to reality.

Our program combines a safe environment designed for young people who have been through traumatic experiences with a curriculum that encourages youth leadership and critical thinking. We support and work alongside them as their future changes from a dead-end without hope to a place with freedom to act on their dreams and ambitions.

Together, we're creating a world where all young people have the chance to learn, grow, and hope. Take a peek below at a few photos from this special day!



Questscope Founder Dr. Curt Rhodes (second from right).



These 400 students graduated from education centers operated in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Jordanian Ministry of Education.



We took lots of pictures to remember this very important day!
*Above photos via USAID.