The Osama Ben Zaid Rehabilitation Center in Rsaifeh caters to girls under the age of 18 who are seeking protection or rehabilitation. The center is home to girls who have dropped out of formal education, and survivors of gender-based violence.

Here, the goal is to deliver comprehensive rehabilitation services, encompassing basic education, health, and shelter. 

Enter Questscope. And you

Together with the Embassy of Canada, and your support, we have been able to address an often overlooked need of girls looking for a safe community to rehabilitate and grow

The green economy component prioritizes environmental stewardship and economic resilience. It introduces vocational training in sustainable industries, enhancing environmental conservation, and income potential- thereby reducing re-offending likelihood.

The project's success could inspire similar global initiatives, contributing to a shift in juvenile education towards sustainability and equality, fostering more resilient, fair, and inclusive societies. And again, that's where YOU come in! By supporting Questscope, you're supporting programs like thisOnes where survivors of domestic violence are able to thrive again, reentering their communities with newfound hope, and passion for life.

P.S. Click here for a video of the Greenhouse