Across the Jordan River from us, along the Mediterranean coast, people in Gaza suffer unspeakably in a small space the size of Washington, DC with 700 thousand residents with access to food, water, and medicine. Gaza has more than 2.2 million residents. Now without food, water, medicine – a humanitarian crisis. Imagine that. Personally, I can barely imagine how it can be.Give for Gaza. Let’s do mighty and unexpected things. Muthanna
I can understand from a “far” perspective how providing significant assistance to civilians in Gaza looks very complex. But from a “near” perspective it comes down to partnerships, trust building and capacity to deliver. It comes down to being close. Close to people. The last. The least. We are partners in an alliance of international organizations, all with “close to people” experience in the Middle East. Our 35 years of experience putting the last first was carried out in constantly shifting uncertain circumstances and uncertainties. This new alliance, in the same kind of shifting circumstances, will amplify all our efforts to alleviate suffering in this unprecedented crisis of humanity. You are also partners with us. Your partnership makes us make a difference with the resources you bring. We build trust. Questscope is an outward-looking organization. We want others to trust us so that a new dynamic comes to play in making things better with them. Trust is built slowly. Like each brick placed on top of other bricks that build a wall. Within Gaza, with our partners, we will apply thirty-five years of lessons of trustworthiness to bring benefit and hope to thousands. Trust also requires capacity. We have the experience to do what we say. We are competent to take on daunting tasks. We spent years investing in our people so that each of us has experience in the ins-and-outs of fostering change. We have the capacity to tackle the challenges before us. Challenges before children and families entrapped in Gaza, that small space surrounded without food, water, medicine. We are only complete with you. We are totally grateful for you. We can dare to do mighty things because of you. Join us.P.S. - You can support our Gaza Emergency Response through this link.