Ammar Al Shouli
Ammar is 23 years old, he arrived to Jordan in 2014 and had enrolled to the Creative Writing project in May 2020.
Ammar loves journalism, reading and drawing. He wants to become journalist.
Writing is only war, with obvious features and hidden details and unknown period of time.Our blood is spilled on papers.On which we fight our raging thoughts, cutting its throats and burning its ends.Maybe we’ll put the fire down, maybe we will stand against our nightmares.Maybe the heart will be silent after a heartacheAnd after each war, we count our loss in silenceAfter every thought filled by silenceAs a man dies after his poem |
ما الكتابةُ إلَّا امتدادٌ لِحربٍ وَاضِحَةِ المعالِمِ، خفيَّةَ التفاصِيْلِ، مَجْهولَةِ الزَّمَنِ، تُراقُ بِها دِمائُنا على الوَرَقِ. نُحاربُ فِيها أَفكاراً ثَائِرَةً فَنَضْرِبُ أَعْنَاقَها و نُحْرِقُ أَعْمَاقَها، لعلَّها تَخْمِدُ، علَّنا نَصْمِدُ علَّ كَوابِيسَنَا تَرْقُدُ، لَعَلَّ القلبَ بعدَ تَأَوِّهٍ يَصْمِتُ، وبعدَ كُلِّ حَرْبٍ..... نُحْصِي خَسَائِرنَا فِي سُكُونٍ، بعدَ كُلِّ خَاطِرَةٍ يملَؤُها السُّكوتُ، فَالمَرءُ بَعْدَ قَصيدَتِه يَموتُ. |